Kwasha! Theatre Company, directed by Theatre Duo Mahlatsi Mokgonyana and Billy Langa, give their contemporary interpretation of this thought-provoking tale. Rhinoceros is an emblematic work from the Romanian-French playwright Eugène Ionesco, one of the foremost figures of the French avant-garde theatre and the Theatre of the Absurd. The play depicts an imaginary epidemic of “rhinoceritis”, a disease that frightens all the inhabitants of a city. A metaphor for the rise of totalitarianism on the eve of the Second World War, it addresses the themes of conformism and resistance to political power.
Rhinoceros and its national tour is made possible with support from the French Institute of South Africa and Mazars.
Date: 4th – 20th October
Times: Tues – Sat @ 8:15pm & Sun @ 3:15pm
Venue: Ramolao Makhene Theatre
Ticket Price
Preview – R90
Opening – R90
Tues -Thurs :R90
Fri – Sat :R120
Sunday R120
Block Bookings – R100
Students R70
SAGA – R70
Pensioners – R70
For further information and interviews please contact:
Lusanda Zokufa – Senior Publicist Market Theatre Foundation
011 832 1641 ext 123 or 072 367 7867