Part-Time Acting Course
For people who would like to learn more about acting but can’t commit to a full-time programme, the Lab offers a part-time course which meets every Saturday. Classes run in twelve week cycles, allowing new students to join throughout the year. At the end of each cycle, a showcase is held at which the students present what they have been working on in class. Students can choose to continue to the next level after completing a cycle. We offer three levels in the part-time course, of increasing skill level and challenge:
Level 1
Students select a monologue and interpret it through performance, exploring character, text analysis, research, improvisation, the magic ‘if’, rhythm and other foundational acting skills. They perform their monologue at the end of the cycle.
Level 2
Students work in pairs on a scene from a published play. The focus is on developing the acting skills they learnt at Level 1, with the added challenge of working with a partner; listening, responding, playing and negotiating.
Level 3
Students work as an ensemble to create a group performance, using a selected text as a basis for the show. Their skills are extended to team-work, collaboration, offering and responding to an ideas, working with a director, staging and the processes of creating a production.